Get Involved
You can make a difference! Partner with us to ensure the causes and conditions of poverty are effectively addressed in the City of Williamsburg and James City County. Strengthen, promote, represent, and serve WJCC residents experiencing economic insecurity.
Fund programs and services that promote resilience and economic security.
Use your talent and skills to promote resilience and economic security.
SHare Your Story
Tell us about how WJCC-CAA made a difference in your life.
Make a Difference

Use your talent and skills to promote resilience and economic security. There are opportunities to volunteer in our early education classrooms; with high school students preparing for life after graduation; and in our administrative offices. There is a place for you at WJCC-CAA. Invest your time and expertise in our programs and services to help strengthen, promote, represent, and serve residents experiencing economic insecurity in your local community.

We welcome donations from individuals, families, civic groups, and local businesses who believe in our mission and want to support our work. Ensure the causes and conditions of poverty are effectively addressed in the City of Williamsburg and James City County.
WAYS YOU CAN get involved
In Person
Visit our office to learn about volunteer opportunities:
Williamsburg-James City County Community Action Agency
Poplar Creek Business Complex
3300 Acorn Street, Suite B
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Over the Phone
Call 757-229-9332 and speak to an associate in our
Community Impact Department (Option 4)
Human Resources
(Option 7)
By Email
Send an email to us and let us know how you would like to volunteer.
Community Impact
Human Resources